With possessive noun worksheets, you can teach your students a lot about how to use possessive nouns correctly. You can make some yourself, modify ones that you like, or even print out many online.
SUBJECT PRONOUNS & POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES & … SUBJECT PRONOUNS & POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES & POSSESSIVE ‘-s’ Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives I My You Your He His She Her It Its We Our You Your They Their ! ! ! Note: Subject pronouns go before verbs as subjects. Examples: 1. Their house is very big. ( Poss. Adj.) 2. She is swimming. ( Subject Pr. ) 3. My bag is blue. ( Poss. Adj.) 4. Possessives - rules and exercises for intermediate level An overview of the rules of possessive words, including possessive pronouns and adjectives, possessive questions, and possessive reciprocal pronouns, with examples and exercises to help you learn. This grammar lesson is for intermediate level students of English. NAME: DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET POSSESSIVE: -’S and S’
Pdf Singular And Plural Nouns. Displaying all worksheets related to - Pdf Singular And Plural Nouns. Worksheets are Plural nouns exercises, Plural nouns, Nouns, Singular and plural nouns, Singular and plural nouns work, A singular plural nouns, Irregular plural nouns work, Singular and plural nouns. Possessive Nouns - English Grammar Revolution The trick is to think of lady's as a possessive noun that maintains some of its "noun-ness" even though it's acting as an adjective. It's "noun-ness" makes it able to be modified by adjectives. Diagram old under lady's. There you go. Now you know that these kinds of nouns function as adjectives, but they can also be modified by adjectives. Crazy! Possessive pronouns and adjectives exercise May 10, 2011 · Possessive pronouns and adjectives exercise. May 10 its, our and their are possessive adjectives. They are used at the beginning of noun phrases. Examples are: my daughter, your son, their dog etc. Mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs are possessive pronouns. They are used without nouns. That coat is mine. Which car is yours? Note the Possessive Pronouns Printable Worksheets | Education.com
The following collection of worksheets will help your students learn about possessive nouns. Activities include rewriting sentences to include a noun, identifying the correct noun for a given sentence, rewriting nouns to demonstrate the correct possessive form, determining if a given noun is in the correct form, writing a noun to fill in the Possessive Adjectives - GrammarBank My, Your, His / Her / Its, Our, Your, Their - Possessive adjectives explanations with examples and exercises for ESL teachers and students GrammarBank.com GrammarBank PDF eBooks Click Here English Exercises: Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives exercise. This is a very easy exercise for young learners. I´ve made this one for my students who often get confused about the use of the possessive adjectives and the personal pronouns. Nancy Delgado
Possessive adjectives occur before a noun (my car)or an adjective + noun (my new car). Rule 3. Possessive adjectives have no singular or plural. They are used with both singular and plural nouns (my book, my books). BE CAREFUL! Comparing Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives IIplay tennis. my This is
Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun: EX: That car is not his. It's mine. (possessive pronoun). OR That's my Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008. Possessive Adjective and Pronoun Exercise. Whose? Possessive Adjectives. Possessive Pronouns. GRAMMAR QUIZ. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES & PRONOUNS. SUBJECT & OBJECT PRONOUNS. ○ Complete these sixteen sentences to score your GRAMMAR WORKSHEET. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. What's my your his her its our their name? What's = What is. This is house. ○ Fill in the blanks below to Finally, practice by doing the exercises. Pronouns and Possessive Forms. Subject Pronouns. Object Pronouns. Possessive Adjectives. Possessive Pronouns. These words are called possessive adjectives: my, his, her, its, our, your, their. ( There is An Elementary Grammar Worksheet from Anna Grammar™. I —> my Note: In this exercise, what are sometimes referred to as “Possessive Adjectives” fall under the general heading “Possessive Pronouns” for simplicity. Read the