Jan van Eyck – Wikipedia
Jan van Eyck (Maaseik, 1390 körül – Brugge, 1441. július 9.) flamand festő, a korai németalföldi festészet egyik legkiemelkedőbb alakja. A francia-burgund-flamand könyvfestészet alapján Robert Campinnel és testvérével, Hubert van Eyckkal együtt a németalföldi táblaképfestészet megteremtője és a flamand tájképfestészet előfutára, a flamand reneszánsz első Jan van Eyck - Wikipedia Jan van Eyck je u službi nizozemskog vojvode Johanna Bavarskog u Den Haagu i kasnije Filipa Dobrog od Burgundije koji ga, posve u stilu talijanskih umjetnika renesanse, šalje u inozemstvo s posebnim misijama. Od 1431. do smrti boravio je u Bruggeu. Tamo radi … Γιαν βαν Άικ - Βικιπαίδεια Ο Γιαν βαν Άικ (φλ. Jan van Eyck, ορθή προφορά Γιαν φαν Έικ, περ.1390 - 9 Ιουλίου 1441) ήταν Φλαμανδός ζωγράφος της εποχής της Αναγέννησης.Είναι γνωστός για τις προσωπογραφίες καθώς και για τις μικρογραφίες του, πολλές από τις Jan van Eyck – Wikipedie Jan van Eyck (* kolem 1390 v Maaseiku – 9. července 1441 v Bruggách) byl belgický malíř. Spolu s bratrem Hubertem významně zdokonalil techniku olejomalby. Jeho obrazy ovlivnily jeho nizozemské i italské současníky.
Van Eyck - Wikipedia Van Eyck or Van Eijk (pronounced [vɑn ˈɛik]) is a Dutch toponymic surname. Eijck , Eyck , Eyk and Eijk are all archaic spellings of modern Dutch eik ("oak") and the surname literally translates as "from/of oak". Arnolfini Portrait - Wikipedia The Arnolfini Portrait (or The Arnolfini Wedding, The Arnolfini Marriage, the Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife, or other titles) is a 1434 oil painting on oak panel by the Early Netherlandish painter Jan van Eyck.It forms a full-length double portrait, believed to depict the Italian merchant Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini and his wife, presumably in their residence at the Flemish Madonna at the Fountain - Wikipedia The Madonna at the Fountain is a 1439 oil on panel painting by the early Netherlandish artist Jan van Eyck.It belongs to van Eyck's late work, and is his last signed and dated painting. It retains its original frame, which bears the inscription; "ALS IXH CAN", "JOHES DE EYCK ME FECIT + [COM]PLEVIT ANNO 1439 At 19 x 12 cm. the painting is only a little larger than a postcard. Turin-Milan Hours - Wikipedia
For more guidance, see Wikipedia:Translation. Jan van Eyckplein, also known as Jan van Eyck Square, is a square located at the intersection of Academiestraat, Spiegelrei and Spanjaardstraat in Bruges, the capital and largest city of the West Flanders province in the Flemish Region of Belgium. Van Eyck - Wikipedia Van Eyck or Van Eijk (pronounced [vɑn ˈɛik]) is a Dutch toponymic surname. Eijck , Eyck , Eyk and Eijk are all archaic spellings of modern Dutch eik ("oak") and the surname literally translates as "from/of oak". Arnolfini Portrait - Wikipedia The Arnolfini Portrait (or The Arnolfini Wedding, The Arnolfini Marriage, the Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife, or other titles) is a 1434 oil painting on oak panel by the Early Netherlandish painter Jan van Eyck.It forms a full-length double portrait, believed to depict the Italian merchant Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini and his wife, presumably in their residence at the Flemish
Jan van Eyck (fødd ca. 1390 i småbyen Maaseik, død 1441 i Brugge) var en flamsk målar. Jan van Eyck var, saman med broren Hubert van Eyck (1375-1426) og Hugo van der Goes, dei fremste målarane i Flandern i første halvdelen av det 15. hundreåret.. Liv og gjerning
7 Jul 2018 It was at this time, a group of rebellious young artists at the British Royal Academy sought to overturn the influence of founding president Sir Eyck, Jan van. B. F.. (Maaseik?, h. 1390/ 1400-Brujas, 1441). Pintor flamenco, mencionado por primera vez en 1422 en la corte de Juan de Baviera, conde de Jan van Eyck (Maaseik, c. 1390 - Brugge, July 9th 1441) was a major figure in the painting revolution taking place in the Low Countries during the early part of Jan van Eyck - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jan van Eyck or Johannes de Eyck (IPA: [jɑn vɑn ɛik]) (before c. 1395 – before 9 July 1441) was an early Dutch painter active in Bruges. He is thought to be one of … Jan van Eyckplein - Wikipedia
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